You may now make a one-time $50,000 payment to a charitable remainder unitrust or a charitable annuity directly from your retirement account. This one-time donation will be treated as a qualified charitable donation.
New Exceptions for 10% Early Distribution Penalty
If you withdraw money from a retirement account before age 59.5, you will likely be subject to an additional 10% penalty on total withdrawals. There are many exceptions to this penalty and Secure 2.0 Act adds a few more to the list. In 2023, new exceptions include terminal illness, income attributable to excess contributions or a qualified disaster. Beginning in 2024, new exceptions will include expenses from financial emergency and victims of domestic abuse.
New Roth Options
You can now make after-tax contributions to a Simple IRA or SEP. Previously, contributions to these accounts could only be pre-tax. Employees may now also choose for their employers matching contribution to also be made on a post-tax basis. However, the employee must pay the income tax on post-tax contribution in the year it is earned.